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Ibn Hajar beautiful story with a Jewish



Ibn Hajar rahimahullah old was a great judge of Egypt in his time. He
if you go to work go with the train ride pulled by horses or
donkeys in a procession.
One day he was with his train passed an Egyptian Jew. The Jews were
is a seller of oil. As custom builders of oil, the Jews were
dirty clothes. Seeing the parade was, the Jews were facing and stop it.
The Jewish man said to Ibn Hajar:
"Verily, the Prophet you say:

"The world is his prison believers and unbelievers paradise. "(Narrated by Muslim)
But why do you as a believer to be a great judge
Egypt, in a procession of luxury and in pleasure like this. I'm-a
pagan-in suffering and kesengsaran like this. "
Then Ibn Hajar said: "I'm with my situation full of
kenimatan luxury and this world as compared with the pleasures of heaven are
like a prison. Naturally you're suffering in the world than
with the adzab hell is like a paradise. "
So the Jews rose and then immediately say the creed: "ASYHADU anla
ilaha illallah. ASYHADU wa anna Muhammad the prophet, "without thinking straight
converted to Islam.
Subhanallah, very amazing hadith the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
in this story ...
Materials Reflections:
Imam An-Nawawi explained this hadith: "The world is his prison those who believe and
infidel paradise. "

"It means that every believer is jailed and banned in this world of
the pleasures and lust-lust is forbidden and hated. He
burdened to do obedience-obedience that feels heavy. When he died he
will take a break from this. And he will turn to what God promised
the form of eternal pleasure and leisure that is free from defects.
While the pagans, he will only get a world of pleasure that he
obtained, which are few and mixed with keusahan and suffering.
And if he was dead, he will go to eternal torment and suffering
that for ever. "(Sharh Muslim Shohih No. 5256)
So appropriate for a believer to be patient and accepting God's law which
established and ditaqdirkan by God. May we be given taufik, convenience, and al-afiat
to live the life of this world. Amiin

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