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Sorry strength of Prophet Muhammad



An Arab man named Tsumamah bin Itsal from the tribes went to the Al Yamamah
Medina in order to kill Prophet alaihi wa sallam. All
preparations have been cooked, already bears arms, and he had already entered the city
sacred place of the Prophet lived it. With expansive spirit he sought council
Messenger of Allah, direct didatanginya to carry out the purpose of the goal. When
Tsumamah come, Umar bin Khattab ra. who saw a bad sign on his performance
Umar asked, "What are the goals coming to Medina? Are not you a
polytheistic? "
With Tsumamah replied bluntly, "I came to this country only
to kill Muhammad! ".
Hearing his words, with a sprightly Umar memberangusnya direct. Tsumamah
Omar could not resist the mighty, he was unable to make resistance. Umar
managed to seize his gun and tying her hands and then taken to the mosque. After
Tsumamah tied at one pole Umar mosque immediately reported this incident on
Messenger went out to meet people who mean to kill it.
Arriving at the place of binding, he studied fine Tsumamah face, then
said to his companions, "Did any of you who have given
eat? ".
The Companions of the Prophet which were there, of course, surprised by the question of the Prophet. Umar
who had been awaiting orders to kill the Prophet is like to not
believe what he heard from the Messenger of Allah. So Umar ventured
asked, "What food do you mean Messenger of Allah? These people come here want
kill not want to convert to Islam! "But the Prophet did not ignore the rebuttal
Umar. He said, "Please bring me a glass of milk from my house, and open string
binder that person. "
Although surprised, Omar obey the Messenger. After giving
Tsumamah drinking, the Prophet said to him politely, "Say Laa ilaha illa-
Llah (There is no god but Allah). "The idolaters were answered with a curt," I will not
say it! ". Persuade the Prophet again, "Say, I testify there is no god other than
Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. "However Tsumamah said in a voice still loud,
"I will not say it!"
The Companions of the Prophet which also witnessed the course to be angry against the people
who did not know that lucky. But the Prophet and told him to go free instead.
Tsumamah the idolaters had risen as if to return to his country. But not yet
how far away from mosques, he returned to the Prophet with a friendly face brightened. He
said, "O Messenger of Allah, I testify there is no god but Allah and Allah's Apostle Muahammad."

Messenger of Allah smiled and asked, "Why did you not say when
I commanded you? "Tsumamah replied," I did not say when
still not free because you were worried there who think I converted to Islam because
afraid of you. But after you release, I converted to Islam simply because
Alamin Robbul keredhaan expect God. "
On one occasion, Tsumamah bin Itsal said, "When I entered the town
Medina, nothing is more hated than Muhammad. But after I left town
that, no one on earth who is more beloved than the Prophet Muhammad. "
Companions ... ... ... ..
Are we followers of his teachings?
But how far can we forgive those mistakes? How big we
loving others? if not, we need to ask our pledge that never again
we say as we mark his followers ...
Indeed, he was a perfect example as an ordinary human. he
is the greatest prophet, he is also the perfect husband, perfect father,
led a perfect, perfect friends and companions, that neighbor
perfect. it is not wrong if God says that He is a role model
Hopefully Shalawat and greeting always delegated to him, the lord and exemplary
we who by God has been created as an example of a perfect man.
Greetings' alaika ya Rasulullah ... ... ...
Hopefully Helpful ....

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