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Prayers and Patience



Make patience and prayers as penolongmu. And actual
Thus it is quite heavy, except for people who khusyu ', (ie)
those who believe, that they will meet their Lord, and
that they will return to Him. (QS Al Baqarah :45-46)
We often seek help here and there when we overwritten the problem,
yet we (maybe just me), even often forget to ask for help
to God through prayer and shabar. Prayer is a proof of submission
us to God, prayer is prayer, prayer is not worship
praise only Allah but also contains our requests to
Allh SWT.
How beautiful in prostration and bowing and praising God to purify us
as a symbol of submission and obedience to God Almighty. Allah
Compassionate and Merciful, let alone the creature of his subject
and obedient, even to those who disobey even with all the
arrogance, but God still provides incomparable blessing.

Plate 4 x 6 in your shirt pocket my child



As the days of yesterday, Still no feeling of sadness that haunts the recesses of the heart
Hamzah. The 29-year-old father was seen frequently depressed. Sadly Hamzah, not because
major problem, nor the economic problems of the family. However, because of his grief
one speaker raised the question as to follow the event Smart Parenting.
"How to know if 1-5 year old child loves people
master "? Yes, that's the question that widened the current burden of her mind. Although also
Hamza admitted if he was not a good father. Anger is a natural thing
occur. However, angry when seen by children aged 2 years is a matter which
harmful to her emotional development. And Hamza admitted it. From that day
he was determined to become a better father to his son.
From then on, every day Hamza home office in a hurry. Because only
one goal. How to get an answer from his son Ridwan! Playing and
mingle with older children is the right solution to get
word answer "Yes". That day Hamza bought a large ball. Larger than
Ridwan body. They played longer. Hamza willing to be a goalkeeper

Not Haji Already Mabrur



This is the story of Yu Tin. Who is he? Yu Tin is our neighbor. He's wrong
a program recipient Unconditional Cash Transfer (SLT), which has now ended. Yu
Tin is the real SLT recipients. Then his house with dirt floors, walls
woven bamboo, do not have their own wells. Even the status of land in the occupied shanty Yu
Tin is not one's own.
Aged Tin Yu fifties, underweight and not married. He is a
kara. Once after a teenager Yu Tin worked as a housemaid in Jakarta.
However, as age increased, energy Tin Yu were not sold on the market
housemaid. He went back to our village. The neighbors worked together
made for Yu Tin shack with his mother who was very old. Hut
established on the land neighbors who are willing to accommodate children and Ma are very
Although her life was very poor, Yu Tin want to be independent. So he sells rice
wrap. Buyer permanent is the students who was the mole at the boarding home
us. Certainly the results do not amount to much. But Yu Tin survive.

Dozens of A girl waiting



"Hopefully this note can provide lessons for us that until Akhwat
seconds are not yet reunited with her soul mate "
Friday prayers had just finished fulfilled. Mr. Yunus as usual still in
mosque with several other fathers. Suddenly, just finished dhikr, Sir David
approached Mr. Yunus: Mr. Yunus then patted the shoulder shake hands. Yes, sir Jonah
and Mr. David had been friends since long since reunited in a single
recitation. "What is said Sir?", said Sir David
"Alhamdulillah good. Mr yourself how? ", Replied Mr Yunus
"Alhamdulillah .. (Pause). By the way, still alone aja nih Pak? "
Mr. David threw the question is often joke that during the presentation.
Mr. Yunus just smiled as usual when asked about it.
Ever since Mr. Yunus's wife passed away several years ago, Mr. Yunus undergo hariharinya
without a companion. He was already head 6 also seems to be wrong
a decision to not want to get married again. The three children who have been married
Mr Yunus made increasingly lonely. Yes, as a man, sometimes feeling
need a companion in old age, also experienced by Mr. Yunus.
Many friends around Mr. Yunus is suggested to get married again, including
Sir David.
1 Syawal 1430 H
"Hey, brothers,, Trisha wanted marriage 2011 ..", Mira, Sir David's daughter,
suddenly cried out in the living room during a family gathering a large Pak Daud. Spontaneous, brethren
others directly asked that question, Trisha, the youngest child of David Pak.
"Bener Sha?"
"Bener Trish ka?"
Trish just respond to those questions with a smile, saying:
"It's just a personal plan. GOD will not know the plan .. "
On the other hand, Aunt Jenny was silent, and smiled a pretty forced. Auntie
Winnie is Mr. David's sister who had not married at the age ahead
head 5.
Trisha caught the unpleasant tinge when seen face tante
Yeni.Tasya conscious and feel what Aunt Winnie feel: his nephew had
plan to be married, while she was??. Maybe that's what is on your mind
Aunt Jenny, Trisha thought.

Aunt Jenny was not married to the present, which perhaps should have been
time to have a child or even pet grandchild. But, yes that's a mate. Aunt Jenny can
practically have not found her soul mate today.
Is it because the problem of beauty? Ooohh,, of course not! Aunt Winnie pretty enough
with white skin. Is it because of his religion? Oooohh, make no mistake, aunt Jenny is
woman who was keeping qiyamullail. Is it because of his wealth? Ooohh, of course aunt
Yeni independent enough to support herself even without a steady job, which is important
fixed-income. Is it because of his descendants? Ooohh,, aunt Jenny is a descendant
respectable, the father of a headmaster. So,, what makes it up to
not currently married too?
Yes, that's the mystery partner. We will never know when they come from, and we will not
never know with whom we are destined. We can only look forward, trying, praying and continue to
As usual Friday, some fathers still dhikr in the mosque after prayer
Friday, including Mr. Yunus and Mr. David. Mr. Yunus approached Sir David who was
located at the corner of the mosque.
"Assalamu'alaikum. Mr. .. ", said Mr Yunus shaking hands with Sir David.
"Wa'alaikumusalam ..", said Sir David's warm.
Mr. Yunus her point: she wanted to marry again and want to try
acquainted with Sir David's sister, aunt Jenny.
Sir David and gladly accepted it and preach it to
sister, aunt Jenny. Aunt Jenny had said yes, this is of course highly anticipated
aunt Jenny.
The first meeting had been arranged by Sir David. Sir David was accompanied Pak Yunus
to visit the house of Sir David's parents, which is none other than the place
stay aunt Jenny. They talk and get acquainted more deeply.
Meeting after meeting was held. There was no way both of us, there's always that
accompanied, as ta'aruf in general. There are only 4 meetings and both sides
family parties also agreed, including children, Mr. Yunus. Finally khitbah any
Sir David's large family had gathered since morning at Sir David's parents' house.
Today there will be no meeting of two families: the family and the family of Mr Yunus aunt Jenny.
On the sidelines of preparatory khitbah, Trish accompany aunt Jenny in her room and
intend to get an interesting story of this process. Process leading to marriage
a girl aged 40 with a widower aged 60's, truly unique story.

"How aunt feelings?", Asked Trisha to the point.
"Yaaaa,, not have thought aja. And you who've ngerencanain marriage, while
aunt do not have anything planned. But it was not spoken for now auntie .. ", replied
sumringah aunt Winnie.
"Yes, so deh kalo udah GOD plan. I also was just a personal plan. Gak tau
deh in the future how. Perhaps the same could be accelerated or slowed GOD
of the plan. ", Trish wiser in words.
"Yes, but not aunt already almost 50 years. But it was new emang current
GOD gave it mate. Do not know why Mr. Yunus same fit, feel dimudahin
very process, only 4 times meeting up. Pas meeting up 2 times, he is steady with an sms reply
choice. Pas met as children, aunt also do not feel afraid, ordinary aja. Yes, aunt
aja mah pray the same GOD, if indeed this is the best and then draw near
mudahkanlah, and if it is not the best for me, then put away nicely.
Alhamdulillah, the process was facilitated and aunt were steady heart. ", Long story aunt Winnie
so make Trish gasped.
"Hopefully yes smoothly Tan,, in the future ..", Trish strengthen aunt Winnie, while
getting into the family room because it has a lot of waiting.
After khitbah, large family day Aunt Winnie had gathered to discuss
a truly unique wedding reception this. Starting from making the invitations, committee
until the division of tasks. Yes, the wedding reception to be held not far different
young couples with a wedding reception in general.
The ceremony which was held a few days after Idul Adha so
solemn. Invite the orphans also feel the happiness of the bride and groom
at the wedding reception. And now, aunt Winnie prayer had been answered already; close the bachelor.
This story is inspired by the true story of my aunt. Yes, in a period of waiting to find
soul mate, not a word I heard from the lips blame fate, blame
GOD who seemed sided with him. In the period of waiting, he busy himself
with the worship of GOD and social activities in their environment. Until finally,
waiting for many years, decades old, has tested his patience, and he
even get a mate who GOD willing best according to GOD. That's the mystery partner.
We will never know when a mate is coming. Man can only plan. However,
GOD was the one who wills of all. It could be our soul mate comes into more
fast or even slower than our previous plan.
We also will never know with whom we are destined. Whether it's with people who
already close to us and those far away who have never even met each other. Or
even we are not reconcilable with our partner in this world, but in His heaven later.
Allahu Akbar!

My brother, rest assured that GOD has prepared the best scenario for
we're in trouble mate. No need to worry. Because GOD has been said in
Q.S An-Nahl: 72
"And Allah has made the mate-mate jenismu you from yourself, then
make the children and grandchildren for you from a mate-jodohmu. "
My brother, never the slightest hint that GOD is not fair because
until now has not been approached mate. Try introspection. Use the
wait a mate this by continuing to endeavor, to pray and keep busy to improve.
Do not we want a good match? As promised in HIS
Q.S An-Nuur: 26
"Women - women who are cruel to men - men are cruel and men - men who are vile
for women who are cruel. And women - good women are for men - good men,
and men - good men are to women - women who either (too). "
to my aunt:
"Barakallahu Laka Wa Baraka 'Alaika Jama'a Bainakuma Fi Wa Khair"

Apple Tree Story



Some of us may have read this story but what's wrong with me
reload in these pages for our brothers who have never read this story
and as material for review that has ever read. Hopefully useful ... ... ...
A first period, there is an apple tree is very besar.Seorang kanakkanak
he was so fond of playing around this tree every day. He climbs
the tree, picking and eating apples heart's content in heart, and sometimes he
resting and sleeping in the tree clump. The boy was so fond of
place game.
The tree was well liked child. The period elapsed ... the boy had
large and become a teenager. He no longer spends his time each day playing
around the apple tree. However, one day he came to the apple tree
those with sad faces.
"Let's play-mainlah around me," said the apple tree.
"I'm no longer a child, I no longer liked to play with you," replied the youth
"I want the game. I need money to buy it, "added the teenager with a tone
is sad.
Then the apple-tree said, "Then, petiklah apples available to me.
Sell to make money. With it, you can buy the game
you want. "
Adolescents were happily picking all the apples on the tree and go from there.
He did not return after that. The tree was sad.
The period elapsed ...
One day, the teenager again. He's more mature. The tree was delighted.
"Let's play-mainlah around me," said the apple tree.
"I've no time to play. I had to work to earn money. I want
foster home as a sanctuary for my family. Can you help me? "
Asked the boy.
"I'm sorry. I do not have a home. But you can cut the bough-dahanku
this great house and you make of it. "tree was providing backup.
Then, the more mature adolescents were cut into all branches of the apple tree and leave
with joy. The tree was delighted to take part but later felt sad
because the teenager did not come back again after that.

A hot day, a man came to see the apple tree. He actually
is the boy who once played with the apple tree. He has matured and
"Let's play-mainlah around me," said the apple tree.
"Forgive me, but I'm no longer a boy who likes to play around. I
were grown. I have aspirations to yachting. Unfortunately, I do not have
boat. Can you help me? "Ask him.
"I do not have a boat to be given to you. But you can cut
this tree to be a boat. You will be able to yachting with joy, "said
apple tree.
He was feeling very happy and cut down the apple tree trunk. He then
away from it with joy and not come back after that.
However, one day, a man increasingly at Mamah age, come
towards the apple tree. He was the boy who never played around the apple tree.
"I'm sorry. I do not have anything more to give to you. I've
give you my fruit to sell, dahanku to you for home, for you created batangku
boat. I just have stumps with roots that almost died ... "said the apple tree with
melancholy tone.
"I do not mahu apelmu because I have no teeth to eat it, I do not mahu
dahanmu kerana I'm old to cut it, I'm not your tree trunk kerana mahu
I'm not trying to yachting again, I felt tired and wanted to rest, "replied the old man
"If so, rest in perduku," said the apple tree. Then the old man sitting
resting on shrubs and apple tree to rest. They both cry of joy.
Did you know. Actually, an apple tree that is meant in the story is
both our father and mother. When we were young, we like to play with them. When
we increased adolescents, we need their help to continue living. We
leave them, and only returned to ask for help when we are in distress.
However, they still help us and do anything as long as we are happy and
happy in life. You probably thought about that the boy had to be cruel to
apple tree, but fikirkanlah, it is essentially how most kids today
serve their father and mother.
Respect the father and mother to our service. Do not only do we appreciate them during
welcome the day mother and father every day of the year.

Allah says:
"We were ordered to man to do good to the two mothers
his father, his mother conceived him with difficulty, and childbirth with
hard-earned (well). Conceived to his weaning is thirty months,
so that if he had grown up and old to forty years he prayed:
"My Lord, I am to be grateful ni'mat tunjukilah thou hast thou
give it to me and to my father and mother so that I can do charity
You pious ridhai; give kindness to me by (give the goodness)
to the child's granddaughter. Verily I repent to You and truly
I am among those who surrender themselves "[EMQ 46:15]
Not too late to re-dedication to both our parents though
they are not in this world ....

A Wedding Story



"Some Reflections story for us that a lot of silver lining if we want to study it"
My wedding day. The most historic day in the life. Then I should have
to be the happiest creature. But I feel compassion instead of blue.
Imagine. On this historic day none of the relatives who accompanied me to
the bride. Especially mothers. He was the most strongly opposed
perkawinanku.Masih mother's words I remember very well the other day
"So will you marry a black sack bundle 'it ... .?!?" Duh ... ..., my heart was
nervous to hear the greeting. The period of my future wife is called 'bundle of black sack'.
"You've got maybe Yanto pellets. Like it does the same period a black girl, fat
with his face totally unattractive and deformed legs. A few more years older
than you!! "the mother again.
"Enough Mom! Enough! Do not insult brutal mother. He's a creation of God.
What if the creator of his anger at the mother ...? "This time I had replied saying
mother with little emotion. Apparently the mother very offended to hear what I said.
"Oh .... apparently you're more than memillih her family. alright
Yanto. Please you are married but do not expect you'll get there in one of our
place at that time. And do not you bring her into this house! "
"Yanto .... Do not stare continued. Soon the prince arrived, "warning Ismail
interrupting my musings.
Immediately seek forgiveness, I say to myself.
"Thank God the prince has arrived. Get ready ... akhi, "once again gave Ismail
spirit to me.
"I thank illegitimate, her wedding Shalihah binti Mahmud deceased by mas
mating set of prayers in cash! "Thank God I speak fluent also aqad
"Oh God this day thou allow me to reach half-dien.
Mudahkanlah me to reach others. "
In the rooms are very simple. On top of this wooden cot I was stunned lama.Memandangi
my wife being soluble in and shut down. After our long silence with each other,
eventually by reading basmalah inwardly kuberanikan myself to say hello.
"Assalamu'alaikum .... Quran recitation request will be checked when De '...? "
I asked, looking at his face, who had been hidden in the submission.

Before getting married, my wife was never asked for the first night down to ten for
I read the Koran every night memorizing one juz. And request that my decision to approve.
"Later in qiyamullail," replied my wife, still in the submission. Her
wrapped in a white veil, she hid deep. When I lifted his chin, he was like
want to reject. But when I give the hint that I'm her husband and is entitled to
doing so, he gave up.
Now I was stunned for long. True .. mom said that my wife's face 'not interesting'.
Flash of thought that emerged .... And soon I was away.
His eyes glazed eyes staring intently at the ball.
"Bang, I have said from the beginning ta'aruf, that physically I like this. If
Abang disappointed, I am ready and willing. But when the brother was not married to my regret,
I hope God gives many blessings to Abang. As
limpahkan God's blessing to his father Imam malik who sincerely accept
something he did not like his wife. I want to remind Abang be the word of God
Imam Malik's mother read to her husband on the first night of marriage
them, "...
And hang out with them (your wives) predictably worth (ahsan). Then when you
do not like them, (so be patient) because maybe you do not like
something, when God promised him a lot of good. "(Surah An-Nisa: 19)
Hearing my wife said, I look at her face full of tears lekatlekat.
I remembered the story of a husband who would marry a woman who has a disability it.
From a woman's uterus, the mother of Imam Malik, the great scholar of Islamic ummah that his name immortal
in history.
"Yes, Lord I married her because of you. Then derive a sense of love and compassion
love yours in my heart for him. So I can love and be loved
with all my heart that sincerely. "
Slowly I approach my wife. Then with vibrating, kurengkuh tubuhya in dekapku.
Meanwhile, my wife cried tergugu in the face that still leaves a lump of doubt.
"Do not force yourself to accept my sincere, Bang. Really ... I'm ready
accept whatever decision the worst, "he said again.
"No ... De '. It's early intention to marry you because God Abang. Already
intention was very round. Until Abang ignored when the whole family boycott
to not come this morning, "paparku clutching her hand tightly.
The night has risen to the top slowly. In verses lengangnya prayer
I spread on him.
"Robbi, can not deny that woman's beauty can bring love
for men. But has kutepis chose a beautiful wife for a way because I
want to earn your love. Robbi watch tonight will prove that

my true love will only kupasrahkan thee. Therefore, I pertemukanlah
with You in Jannah you! "
I inched toward the bed was very simple. Then I looked at faces
denan my wife's whole heart is sincere. Ah, .. now I really love him.
Why not? Is not it true Sholihah woman. He continues to uphold malammalamnya
with the length of his Munajat.
He always keeps His book memorization. And always carry shoum Sunnah
His Apostles.
"... And among humans there are people who worship tandingantandingan
besides Allah. They loved him as they love God.
As for those who believe, really, really love to God ... "(Surah al-
Baqarah: 165)
O Allah, verily I was weak, strengthen me and I was despicable then
I honor and I'm poor so I kayakanlah O maha Compassionate Essence

The story of poor women, old and Gaza Cattle



This true story happened in one of the areas in Yaman.Kisah suffering and
bitterness through which the residents of Gaza are spread all over the world. Everyone was angry,
hate, resentment and sadness. Where victims are mostly young children innocent
who are victims vomit blood bullet so moist earth without stopping.
This terrible tragedy also reached the ears of an old woman who lived
poor in one of a village in Yemen. Just like everyone else, he's also sad and
so sad tears. Then one day, he tried his best effort to try
help than he could. Incidentally, the 'treasure' that she has is an old cow,
too old, skinny and had no bermaya.
With high spirits and feeling very, very sympathetic, he intends
menyedekahkan cow to the population of Gaza and then walk away from the house to go to
of a mosque in Yemen, holding his favorite single cow.
Incidentally the day Friday and the congregation had gathered around the mosque courtyard
to carry out such worship.
At that time, how crowded the look and attention to women's poor old nan
with cows that are on the outside of the mosque. Some nodded, others
shook his head. No exception there is also a cynical smile, laugh, mocking view
poor women who faithfully stood on the side of the cow.
The period had passed, though solemn congregation of the mosque to hear the sermon the priest but
occasionally noticed two mahkhluk god. Women and the cow was still in situ
without feeling embarrassed or reluctant diraut face.
After the priest came down from the pulpit, then performed Friday prayers, let me hot burned
sun and sweat dripping and splashing in the face, women and old cow was still in
Soon after the congregation finished prayers and praying, suddenly the woman with
hastily pulled the cow took him to the front door of the mosque while waiting to
full patient regardless of pilgrims who came out. Also busy people who do not move
and feelings of curiosity, what would be done by the old woman.
When the priest out of the mosque, the old woman resilient said: "O priests, I
have heard the sad story of the population in Gaza. I am a poor but I
sympathetic and want to help. Now, please you accept the one cow that I have to
taken to Gaza, to be given to residents there. "
Instantaneous noisy people in the mosque. The priest was surprised by the demand
but she objected to receiving. Yes, how to bring it to the old cow
Gaza? Then the audience began to talk. Some say the action
munasabah not especially cow was old and no price.

"Please help .. these cows take it to Gaza. This is just what I got. I want to correct
help them, "repeated the woman who was not identified. The priest was still
keberatan.Masing each congregation to speak and whisper among each other. All
concentrated on women's views and that his old cow.
The poor old woman's eyes had begun to look in the mirror and juicy but still
did not move and continued to ponder the direction of these priests. Quiet atmosphere instantly.
Suddenly a synagogue and voiced sparked the idea: "Not mengapalah,
I'll buy a cow this woman with the price of 10.000 riyals and bring the money later
sedekahkanlah to residents in Gaza.
The priest then appears to agree. Elderly poor women were then wiped
eyes that have been spilled. He was silent, but seemed to agree with the opinion of the assembly
Suddenly a young man rose again, giving a much more powerful
again: "What if we rama-busy making her the highest bid for charity
buy this cow and the money was later handed over to Gaza? "
The woman was shocked, including the priest, too. Apparently this young spark
acceptable to all people. Later in the audience a few minutes-grab fight
menyedekahkan money collected by them for the highest auction.
There are a starting bid of 10,000 to 30,000 riyals and continuity to the spot.
The atmosphere of the courtyard mosque in Yemen had become noisy during the auction process cattle.
Finally an old cow, skinny and not the poor old woman's bermaya were purchased
with price 500.000 riyals, after that the money handed over to the mosque imams, all agreed
make that decision, then one of his congregation to speak to the old woman.
"We have been auctioning cattle you and have collected a sum of 500 000
riyals to buy the cow.
"But we have agreed, the money collected had been handed over to priests
to be submitted to the residents of Gaza and the cow was our gift back to
you, "he said as he noticed the poor old woman who re-nan
... happy tears.
Unexpectedly, God ordained everything, the intention was for poor women
help alleviate the burden of suffering Palestinian population eventually reached and
dipermudahkan so collected a lot of money without losing the "treasure" the only
existing. Subhanallah.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

"Verily, Allah does not look to the looks and deeds, you guys, but he
Looking at your heart and your intentions. "(Saheeh Muslim and others)

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
"Those who give alms (though) for dates of the business is good, and God
not receive except a good, and Truly Allah swt accept dg welcome
warm, then folded it gandakannya for people like you care for baby
fed, up at the mountain "(Sahih Bukhari)
Lessons of this story is all pure good intentions always get
calculation and the reward of God especially when coming from a poor little heart is
want to help people who suffer from tyrannized Islamic regime of Zionist Israel, even if self-
lack of effort and self-paced. according to the Word of Allah, the Exalted,
"There is no good in most of their promptings, except bisikanbisikan
from people who tell (people) giving alms, or do ma'ruf,
or make peace between people. And those who do
Thus, seeking the pleasure of Allah, then later we gave him
great reward. "(Surah An Nisa '[4]: 114)
Hopefully useful ... ....
(This story is taken from Deputy Mursyidul Am PAS Dato 'Haron Din to Harakah
daily through a real story that was published in an Arabic magazine)

Sorry strength of Prophet Muhammad



An Arab man named Tsumamah bin Itsal from the tribes went to the Al Yamamah
Medina in order to kill Prophet alaihi wa sallam. All
preparations have been cooked, already bears arms, and he had already entered the city
sacred place of the Prophet lived it. With expansive spirit he sought council
Messenger of Allah, direct didatanginya to carry out the purpose of the goal. When
Tsumamah come, Umar bin Khattab ra. who saw a bad sign on his performance
Umar asked, "What are the goals coming to Medina? Are not you a
polytheistic? "
With Tsumamah replied bluntly, "I came to this country only
to kill Muhammad! ".
Hearing his words, with a sprightly Umar memberangusnya direct. Tsumamah
Omar could not resist the mighty, he was unable to make resistance. Umar
managed to seize his gun and tying her hands and then taken to the mosque. After
Tsumamah tied at one pole Umar mosque immediately reported this incident on
Messenger went out to meet people who mean to kill it.
Arriving at the place of binding, he studied fine Tsumamah face, then
said to his companions, "Did any of you who have given
eat? ".
The Companions of the Prophet which were there, of course, surprised by the question of the Prophet. Umar
who had been awaiting orders to kill the Prophet is like to not
believe what he heard from the Messenger of Allah. So Umar ventured
asked, "What food do you mean Messenger of Allah? These people come here want
kill not want to convert to Islam! "But the Prophet did not ignore the rebuttal
Umar. He said, "Please bring me a glass of milk from my house, and open string
binder that person. "
Although surprised, Omar obey the Messenger. After giving
Tsumamah drinking, the Prophet said to him politely, "Say Laa ilaha illa-
Llah (There is no god but Allah). "The idolaters were answered with a curt," I will not
say it! ". Persuade the Prophet again, "Say, I testify there is no god other than
Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. "However Tsumamah said in a voice still loud,
"I will not say it!"
The Companions of the Prophet which also witnessed the course to be angry against the people
who did not know that lucky. But the Prophet and told him to go free instead.
Tsumamah the idolaters had risen as if to return to his country. But not yet
how far away from mosques, he returned to the Prophet with a friendly face brightened. He
said, "O Messenger of Allah, I testify there is no god but Allah and Allah's Apostle Muahammad."

Messenger of Allah smiled and asked, "Why did you not say when
I commanded you? "Tsumamah replied," I did not say when
still not free because you were worried there who think I converted to Islam because
afraid of you. But after you release, I converted to Islam simply because
Alamin Robbul keredhaan expect God. "
On one occasion, Tsumamah bin Itsal said, "When I entered the town
Medina, nothing is more hated than Muhammad. But after I left town
that, no one on earth who is more beloved than the Prophet Muhammad. "
Companions ... ... ... ..
Are we followers of his teachings?
But how far can we forgive those mistakes? How big we
loving others? if not, we need to ask our pledge that never again
we say as we mark his followers ...
Indeed, he was a perfect example as an ordinary human. he
is the greatest prophet, he is also the perfect husband, perfect father,
led a perfect, perfect friends and companions, that neighbor
perfect. it is not wrong if God says that He is a role model
Hopefully Shalawat and greeting always delegated to him, the lord and exemplary
we who by God has been created as an example of a perfect man.
Greetings' alaika ya Rasulullah ... ... ...
Hopefully Helpful ....

First Halal Haram Now



At one point in time of the Prophet Muhammad is a thief who wanted to
repent, he sat in the upper house where the Prophet Muhammad's companions berdesakdesakkan
in Masjib Nabawi.
One time he caught the words of the Prophet: "Whoever leaves
something that is forbidden by God, then one day he will get that it is Haram
in a lawful state. " Indeed he does not understand his point, especially when the Companions
after the council discussed the issues with the level of faith and understanding
far below the thief feel marginalized.
Finally the night wore on, the thief was hungry. Get out of the mosque he
in order to forget his hunger.
In an alley where he walked, he found a house that the door slightly
open. With a keen instinct thief in the dark she can see that the door
not locked ... and there arose a battle in his heart to steal or not. No, he
was not allowed to steal again.
But suddenly arise strange whisper: "If you do not steal there might be a
Other thieves who do not necessarily like you. " Think he's become, it was decided
he wanted to inform / remind the owner to lock doors in
his house, because it was past midnight.
He wanted to greet yet arise again that noise: "Hey boy!
what if it turns out there are thieves and within this door is a thief who turns out
open, when you say hello ... will kagetlah him and hide, it would be
good if you go quietly and caught him with caught him! "
Ah .. sure enough, he thought.
So he went with no sound ... The room was rather spacious,
seen around there is a table full of food - arising from his desire to
steal again, but soon she realized - no, he can not steal anymore.
Enter it with caution, hehhh ... thankfully there was no significant thief indeed
the owner who failed to lock the door. Now we just notify the owner
home about negligence, a voice suddenly soft snores from the corner
space .... Ahh it turns out there is that sleep may be the owner and it seems pretty women.
Without him realize his foot stepped closer to the bed, her feelings raging,
variety that exists in his heart. Beauty, fashion incomplete sleep
close to make her dirty desires arise in him.
So much to sweat out the cold, clear as if he heard
heart pounding chest, and he never thought he was sitting motionless
beside the bed ... No, I'm not allowed to do this I want to repent and not
would add that there is sin, tidakk!

Soon he turned around to leave. Will he tap and give greetings from the outside
as earlier. When going towards the exit through the table he said, suddenly
audible sound in his stomach ... he was hungry. There arose a strange voice: "Well hey young man
Good, how are you feeling now after the fight ringankah lust
birahimu? "
Uh-uh, yes. Thank God there is a sense of pride in our hearts to do good and
This notice of intention to act would be very commendable. Thought the youth. The voice said:
"So it is fitting reward you get from the owner of the house of intention
it your best, take some food to prop up your stomach so as not to arise feelings
and the desire to steal again! "
Think he was thoughtful for a moment, Should he do that? "Hey - he tiba2x
wake up and say to myself - you've been talking and giving advice
me? But the advice that has made me become invited guests do not like this,
no .. I'm not going to listen to your advice. If you are the Lord, will not give
advice like this. Surely you Syaithon .... (Silence).
Alas me, when someone, outside and saw what I did .... I should
exit. "Then he hurried out of the house the woman, when she arrived in front of the door
knock loudly and say hello to scary-sounding hoarse.
Increasingly worried that he would change his voice, after it without ensuring owner
hear or not he returned to the mosque with feeling upset but relieved, because
no one caught him doing what he suggested was a strange sound.
Dimasjid Upon arrival, he saw the Holy Prophet was standing praying. In the corner there is room
one who reads al qur-aan with khusyu 'with tears in his eyes, in sudutsudut
there are the Companions and the shuffah sleep. It's very cold tonight, very hungry
stomach is thought he would be a new experience that he experienced, he is grateful for the help
God strengthen her heart.
But ... did not hear a whisper in God in his heart, is God mad at me? Then
he approached the corner of the room sat near the door of the mosque, near the people who read Al quraan.
Amid melamunnya he heard a faint but clear scripture verses ... ...
And they all (in the desert Mahsyar) will come together coming into the presence
God, and said people who are weak to those who
arrogant: 'We are followers of former-followers, then can you
prevent us from the punishment of God (even though) a little They
replied: "If Allah gives guidance to us, surely we can give
instructions to you. Same thing for us if we complain or be patient. Occasionally
we do not have a place to escape. " (Surah 14:21)
And the devil said when the case (reckoning) have been completed: "Verily
Allah has promised you a promise that is true, and I have promised unto
but I menyalahinya. Certainly not my power against you, but
(Just) I call you then you obey my voice, and therefore do not
I railed, but cercalah yourself. I never can help
and you also never can help me. Actually I do not justify

I ascribe done (with God) since the first ". Real people
who do wrong it gets a painful torment. (Surah 14:22)
Bergetarlah heart hear the word of God which he heard, he said
"You talk kepadakukah, O God?" Feeling his heart field, the more fun he
listen to sacred reading, then he will lupalah hungry, his body feels fresh.
He old enough to listen to people reading it until suddenly he jerked because
reading was stopped changing with answering greeting greetings. She saw also that
replied the man greeting a woman and an old man who entered directly into
where the Prophet Muhammad was sitting dhikr, and the woman's face ... is
the woman's face !!!??? Arise restless heart, whether earlier when he was in the room
she pretended to be asleep and see her face? Or there are people who secretly
look at it, maybe an old man who with him are people who secretly
caught him when he came out and knocked on the door of the house? Ahh ... woe, woe.
However, his body trembling, he could not move his limbs to
go into hiding or even seemed to him a man who had read Al Qur-aan want
bed and soon was snoring. And he saw them already spoke with the Prophet ....
hell, he thought panic!
Almost celentang he fell when a voice of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. : O
So and so, come here! "By slowly and fear he approached. He attempted
hide his face.
He heard the woman was still talking to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
he said: "... yes Rosulullah true, I was very scared at that moment I dreamed my house
possessed by people who want to steal, he approached me and wanted to rape me,
when I rebelled ... it was just a dream. But when I looked around
turns out my door open as my dreams and no sound creepy
that makes me scared. So immediately I went to my uncle's house to ask for
look for a husband for me, for events in my dreams did not happen when I have a husband
that protects. So he invited me to meet with you here to pick out
for my future husband. "
The Prophet looked to the young ex-thief, then said: "O so and so,
because no man unless you wake up today so I offer you,
will you be her husband? "Surprised he heard it, he mengangguklah fast.
And after the Fajr prayer the Prophet announced this and ask the
Companions to raise funds to hold a wedding and the dowry payment
this young man.
After her marriage, she knew the meaning of the last words of the Prophet Muhammad:
"Whoever leaves something forbidden by God, then one day he
will obtain the Haram was in a state lawful. "

Expression In Educating Children



If the child was raised with a taunts, he learned to curse
If the child was raised with hostility, he learns to fight
If the child was raised with fear, he learns restless
If the child was raised with a sense of pity, they learn to regret
If the child was raised with ridicule, he learns inferiority
If the child was raised with humiliation, he learns to feel guilty
If the child was raised with encouragement, he learns confidence
If the child was raised with tolerance, they learn patience
If the child was raised with praise, he learns to appreciate
If the child was raised with acceptance, he learns to love
If the child was raised with support, they learn self menenangi
If the child was raised with recognition, he learns to recognize the purpose
If the child was raised with a sense of sharing, they learn kedermawaan
If the child was raised with honesty and openness, he learned the truth and justice
If the child was raised with a sense of security, he learns confidence
If the child was raised with friendliness, he learns to find love in life
If the child was raised by peace, he learned to make peace with your mind

I Want My Boy Imitating ye



When born, my son really dark skin, then I said to her father:
"Subhanallah, he really looks like you yes!"
My husband replied:
"Would not it work right? You are saying that the boys want to be like me. "
I nodded. My husband went back to work as usual. When my little baby
first birthday, I suggest the celebrations with mengkhatamkan Al Quran
home Then I said to my husband:
"So he became God's Book penghafal yes, Dad."
My husband looked at me as he softly said:
"Oh yes. Good idea that. "
Our baby, we give the name of Ahmad, following the call of His messenger. Not how many
old, he was good at calling the two of us: Ammaa. Apppaa. Then he pointed
to him and say: Ammat! That he was Ahmad. We are both very happy
with his presence.
Ahmad grew so smart kids, just like her daddy. Math
very easily mastered simple. Ah, his father was good at math. He is the pride
family. Now, too, were S3 in the field of Mathematics.
When Ahmad's fifth anniversary, we invited the family. We dressed up
all. Ahmad was time to be bored and somewhat annoying. Suddenly he rose to ask
daddy's back. I do not know what caused his father was so angry, maybe
assume Ahmad was the school, was too big to play a rocking horse, or
because many guests and he was exhausted. Body slammed Ahmad rejected her daddy, her face
red, burst into tears, Muhammad wounded heart in the fifth birthday.
Since that day, Ahamad so quiet. Moody to school, alone at home. He did not
again like to ask, and he became very irritable. I try to approach my husband, and
convey the reason. He is finishing his paper and did not want to be disturbed by
slightest affairs, he said.
Year after year passed. Ahmad was not completed S1. Youth handsome, clever
and quiet has brought me an in-law and a grandchild. When born, my grandson
it, she exclaimed, laughing funny:
"Subhanallah! Her skin was dark, Mas, just like your skin! "
Ahmad turned stiffly, he seemed offended and embarrassed.

"Your fault. You want to own, right. If men want to be like me! "
In my hands, interwoven time and space. There was a painful in my heart. There are
I'm worried.
My grandson came home, months passed. We, grandmother and grandfather, came to visit.
Ahmad was picked up his father's small. She wept. Suddenly my son Ahmad menyergah
stomping, shouting,
"Ah, how the hell, why not given pampers boy!"
With roughly disorongkannya tiny baby.
My husband read the paper, not moved by the atmosphere. Ahmad, father of this baby, soon
cleanse himself in the bathroom. I, the old lady, time and space kurajut in
poignant grief of a wife and a mother. I could no longer withstand this surge in the chest.
Break into tears seemed to have centuries I kept it. I grab the newspaper in hand
My husband and I told him:
"Once you hempaskan Ahmad on that floor! Fifth birthday, you remember? You reject
he crawled on your back! And when I ask you to fix it, you said you busy
once. Did you hear? You hear your son did? He does not like dipipisi. He is familiar with
his own son! "
Cor Shali ala Muhammad. Cor Shalli alaihi wassalaam. I want
menirumu my son, O Prophet.
You carry your grandchildren on your back, you play chasing
with them you even see a child that his pet bird died.
And you also said when a mother snatched her baby from gendonganmu,
"This odious former can be wiped, but if you could replace the fine nerve
dropped out in his head? "
I looked at my husband who froze.
I looked at my son that stood silent like a sharp rock.
I looked at them, tears.
I must not despair of Thy mercy, O God, is not it?
Then I took my husband's arms, though stiff, he kubimbing close to Ahmad. I brought
hands combing her son's head, which for decades did not feel the touch of the hand
a father who didamba.
Ahmad Dada shook receive caresses. I said before both of them,
"Do this, demand will pick up a death that could not
inherit nothing: except Love.
Do it, for the sake of every boy who will be born and reduce offspring for the sake of

Do it, for a major change in our household! Also on the surface
world. There will never be peace as long as boys are taught not feeling the love and
affection, greeting intimacy, touch and caress, not just lessons to be
male as you understand. Valor without feeling.
Two adult male water floating in their eyes.
Two adult male and an elderly woman froze in place.
It's not easy to change. But it must begin. I hand it to the baby Ahmad
hug my husband. I said:
"Not too late to start, dear."
Two adult male is now studying again. Holding together, taking turns
replace her diaper, pretend to design the future of the baby laughing
together, opening their old stories are full of fog secrets, and discover
how real God entrusts between the two need each other feelings
who never revealed by the word, or touch. Now the laughter they meet
chest cavity is crowded by happy, thank thee
O Allah! You are the helper only when all seems dead-end street.
You are the light at the end despair.
Three men in my life I Leave them in your hand.
Later, if I could meet him, Prophets, I'd love to say:
Yes, the Prophet. I have tried all the power to bring them all menirumu!
Amen, Praise
Spread the word to your friends if you think this record is useful

Pleading for a living



Fadlan comes to a kyai in the village. He felt confused. There have been many
how has he traveled, but it remains difficult sustenance he sought.
They say that good fortune can come alone, especially if you're married. Evidence,
already 3 years old she married and endowed with two children, he was still alive go alone
True, his family was never hungry because no food. But if
constantly living destitute and had no job, it's no pride.
He also came to the Kyai Ahmad to ask for brainstorming. I might as well
pray and work from it. Frankly, he himself was fascinated by the figure of Kyai Ahmad
very earthy. Not much is he doing, but with children 9 people, it seems
impossible if he did not bother thinking about the family livelihood. But in fact, until now
Kyai Ahmad remained in the eye sumringah Fadlan. He had never seen Kyai Ahmad faced
somber as he was. So that day, Fadlan comes to ask advice of the clerics.
"Life is a scene. We are just puppets, while the mastermind is Gustavo
God! So, the man is alive, being sent 'on stage' by the mastermind! "Kyai Ahmad
open explanation with an illustration of light.
"Not possible ... if the puppet's gig itself. Surely, he is played by
Dalang. Meanwhile, during the stage, definitely will consider the fate of wayang puppeteer that!
So is human ... he may not live in the world, without any attention
needs by Gusti Allah! It's not you understand, Fadhlan?! "Kyai Ahmad
ended his explanation with a question.
"But sir ... kyai, if Gusti Allah is true guarantee of His servant life ... why
My life as futile so yes ... it really difficult living nyari! "Fadlan deliver
he complained.
"Oh ... it's because you have not yet come to Gusti Allah. If you come to
Gusti Allah, your life is not going to waste! "Kyai Ahmad added.
Fadhlan not understand very well what the real intention of the word 'come to
God ', he was asked a concrete picture of it to the Kyai Ahmad.
With a relaxed Kyai Ahmad explains, "Fadlan ..., all the problems in this world
will be finished as long as we come to God. Many people in this world with problems,
had a mountain of debt, hard fortune, seized a variety of diseases, poverty,
hunger, etc. ... It's because they do not come to God. If
they come to God, then all their problems solved! "
"Is it only that simple, Mr. Kiai?" Fadlan asked in a tone of curiosity.
"Yes, just as simple as that!" Pak Kyai asserted.

Mr. Kiai said, "Never happened in Russia in a country well-known atheists,
a man went to the barber. When his hair shaved off, she fell ill drowsiness. Head
began nodding with sleep. Barber feel annoyed, but for
wake its customers, the barber began to speak:
'Sir, are you among those who believe in the existence of God? "
Customers responded, 'Yes, I believe in God! "
For talks was stalled, the barber said:
'I am among those who do not believe in God! "
'What's your excuse?' Customers throw squid.
'If it is true in this world is God, and His nature is the Most Compassionate and Oft
Merciful, in my opinion it is impossible in the world there are people who have a lot of problems,
debt, disease, hunger, poverty and others. This khan evidence
simply that in this world there is no God! 'barber speaks with enough
The customer paused. Inwardly, he thought hard to find answers. But unfortunately,
until he had finished shaving still did not find an answer. So any conversation
stalled. While the barber smiled sarcastically, as though he has won
Finally, when the shaving was complete, the customer got up from his chair and he gave
considerable cost of shaving services. Do not forget, he thanked me and say goodbye to
leave the area. But in his tracks, he was still looking for answers
little new debate he lived.
When standing in front of the barber shop door, he then wanted to pull the leg door
stepped out .... then Allah sends an answer to it.
His eyes fell on a mad man who berparas untidy. Hair
Long neglected, messy beard.
For the sake of seeing such things, the door of the barber shop he had been open then closed
again. He also came to the barber and said, 'Sir, in my opinion is not
exist in this world is a barber! "Feeling weird with that statement, handyman
shaving asked, 'How can you say so. In fact just the hair
I cut you! "
'Well sir, in the way I found someone less insane. Long hair
unkempt, his beard was bushy mess. If it is true in this world there is a barber,
it is unlikely there-boned man like that! "the customer's express
the explanation.
Barber smiled, a moment later with a lightly he said, 'Sir ... not
Shave builders that do not exist in this world. The real problem is that you are crazy man

tell me do not want to attend and come here, to where I am ... If he comes, then
will my hair and beard so that he does not boned rapihkan so! "
Suddenly the customer to blow up the sound, 'Naaaahhhh .... he answers.
Apparently you also have to find answers to questions you accusing me! '' What
do you mean? "the barber did not understand the statement of its customers.
'You khan said that many people in this world who have a problem. If
they come to God, surely their problems would be solved. Exactly the same
it happens when a crazy man had come here and mencukurkan hair to you! "
Kyai Ahmad ending story that he made. Visible Fadlan nod
chief sign of understanding.
"So ..., you just ask me what you want to Allah SWT., Definitely
God will give what you asked! "Kyai Ahmad said to give guarantees.
Fadlan has begun to believe, but he still pursued with a single question, "Mr. Kiai,
I had the intention to come and more and familiarizing yourself to God. But how
how ya pak Kyai so that I could beg enough living to God? "
Then Pak Kyai recited verses in the Qur'an:
"Say:" O God who has the kingdom, You give the kingdom
to the person who you want and you pull the kingdom of the person
You wish. You gentlemen whom You will, and thou
hinakan whom You will. You are all virtues in hand.
Thou art powerful over all things. You enter into the night
in the afternoon and you enter the day and into the night. You remove the
living from the dead, and you remove the dead from the living, and Thou
give sustenance to whom Thou wills without reckoning (the limit). " QS. Ali Imran: 26-27
"Read it as often as possible and multiply prayers begging a living and sustenance
kosher from Allah. Be assured that Allah will always ensure penghidupanmu
and family! "Kyai Ahmad end the conversation by giving the message.
After talks with Kyai Ahmad, Fadlan was sure if he wants to find
a living, then the easiest way he could do only with the 'Come and Apply
to the owner of a living! "
Fadlan have believed this.
What about you?

Between Father, Son and Crow Bird



One evening an old man with his young son who just graduated
higher education sat chatting in the courtyard watching the atmosphere at
around them.
Suddenly a crow perched on twigs principal border. The father then
pointed a finger at crows as she asked,
"Son, do that thing?"
"The crow", replied the boy.
The father nodded his head slowly, but after a moment once again repeat
the same question. The boy thought his father had not heard the answer, then
answered with a little strong,
"That crow, Daddy!"
But a moment later the father again asked the same question.
The boy felt a little wrong and a bit confused with the same question
repeated, then answered with a stronger,
"BIRD GAGAK!" The father was silent at once.
But not long after his father once again ask the question
similar to the prodigal son makes patience and replied in a tone that irritated
to the father,
"That crow, Daddy." But the child is somewhat surprising, because the father once again
opened his mouth only to ask the same thing. And this time the child is really missing
patience and become angry.
"Daddy! I do not know I understand or not. But Dad was asking about 5 times
that and I've also provided the answer. What else would my father
It's a crow, raven, Dad ... .. ", said the boy in a tone that was so angry.
The father then got up headed into the house leaving the child who
A moment later the father came out again with something in his hand. He handed it
to his son who was still furious and wondering. Displays an old diary.
"Let me read you what my father ever wrote in this diary," pleaded the father.

The boy agreed and read the following paragraphs.
"Today I'm on my serve pages that even five years old. Suddenly
a crow perched on a tree border. My son kept pointing to the raven and
"Daddy, what's that?"
And I replied,
No matter how, my son kept asking similar questions and every time I
answered with the same answer. So my son asked this 25 times, and for the sake of
sense of love and my darling, I continue to answer to satisfy feelings of curiosity.
"I hope this becomes a valuable education for my son someday."
When you finish reading these paragraphs of the child looked up at her face
Father who looked wistful. The father gently voiced,
"Today is a new dad to ask you the same question 5 times, and you
has lost patience and angry. "
Then the boy immediately cried and knelt at her father's legs
begged forgiveness for what he had done.
Keep your heart and feelings of your parents, respect them.
Pity them as they love you in little time.
We have a lot of studying Islamic guidance especially with regard to filial
to both orangtua.Tapi how much has been understood by us especially
Remember! remember! Much knowledge is not the key to enter syurganya God.
Spread the word to your friends if you think this note useful ...

Ibn Hajar beautiful story with a Jewish



Ibn Hajar rahimahullah old was a great judge of Egypt in his time. He
if you go to work go with the train ride pulled by horses or
donkeys in a procession.
One day he was with his train passed an Egyptian Jew. The Jews were
is a seller of oil. As custom builders of oil, the Jews were
dirty clothes. Seeing the parade was, the Jews were facing and stop it.
The Jewish man said to Ibn Hajar:
"Verily, the Prophet you say:

"The world is his prison believers and unbelievers paradise. "(Narrated by Muslim)
But why do you as a believer to be a great judge
Egypt, in a procession of luxury and in pleasure like this. I'm-a
pagan-in suffering and kesengsaran like this. "
Then Ibn Hajar said: "I'm with my situation full of
kenimatan luxury and this world as compared with the pleasures of heaven are
like a prison. Naturally you're suffering in the world than
with the adzab hell is like a paradise. "
So the Jews rose and then immediately say the creed: "ASYHADU anla
ilaha illallah. ASYHADU wa anna Muhammad the prophet, "without thinking straight
converted to Islam.
Subhanallah, very amazing hadith the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
in this story ...
Materials Reflections:
Imam An-Nawawi explained this hadith: "The world is his prison those who believe and
infidel paradise. "

"It means that every believer is jailed and banned in this world of
the pleasures and lust-lust is forbidden and hated. He
burdened to do obedience-obedience that feels heavy. When he died he
will take a break from this. And he will turn to what God promised
the form of eternal pleasure and leisure that is free from defects.
While the pagans, he will only get a world of pleasure that he
obtained, which are few and mixed with keusahan and suffering.
And if he was dead, he will go to eternal torment and suffering
that for ever. "(Sharh Muslim Shohih No. 5256)
So appropriate for a believer to be patient and accepting God's law which
established and ditaqdirkan by God. May we be given taufik, convenience, and al-afiat
to live the life of this world. Amiin

Tears of Rasulullah shake Throne



It is said, that at the time the Prophet s.a.w. bertawaf was engrossed in the Kaaba,
he heard someone in front of him bertawaf, while remembrance: "Ya Karim! Yes
Karim! "
Messenger s.a.w. imitate it read "Ya Karim! Ya Karim! "The man Ialu
stopped at one corner of the Kaaba, and remembrance again: "Yes Karim! Ya Karim! "The Messenger
s.a.w. behind him followed zikirnya "Ya Karim! Ya Karim! "Feeling like
mock-mock, the man looked back and she saw a man who
dashing, handsome again that has not been familiar. The man was Ialu said:
"O beautiful! Are you deliberately poke-olokkanku,
because I was an Arab badwi? Even if not kerana ketampananmu and
kegagahanmu, surely you will I report to my beloved, Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. "
Hear the words of people badwi, the Messenger of Allah smiled, then asked:
"Do not you recognize your Prophet, O Arabs?" "No," replied the man. "So
how do you believe in him? "
"I believe firmly for his prophetic, though I've never
view, and justify the mission, though I've never met
with it, "said badwi Arabs as well.
Messenger s.a.w. was said to him: "O Arabs! This I Know
Penolongmu your prophet in the world and later in the afterlife! "Seeing the Prophet in front of him, he
dumbfounded, like not believing in him.
"Mr. Muhammad is the Prophet!" "Yes," replied the Holy Prophet He was immediately subject to
s.a.w. Prophet kissed him on both legs Seeing this, Rasulullah s.a.w. interesting body of people
Arab, and say to him:
"Wahal Arabs! do not like it. Such actions are usually
performed by the slave to juragannya, Know, God sent me not to
become a respected takabbur asking, or glorified, but for the sake of
bring news.
It was then, the Angel Gabriel a.s. fall brought news from the sky he said: "Yes
Muhammad! God As-Salam greetings to you and said: "Say
to the Arab, so he was not awed by God's mercy. Be aware that unlicensed
God will menghisabnya Mahsyar later in the day, will weigh all deeds, good
either a small or large! "After delivering the news, Gabriel then left.
And the Arabs also say:
"By the greatness and glory of God, if God will make a calculation for
slave deeds, then I will make a calculation with it! "said
Arab badwi it. "What will you count on with the Lord?" The Messenger
ask him. 'If the Lord will take into account the sins of the servant, then
I will take into account how greatness maghfirahnya, 'replied the man.
'If He reckons disobedience servant, the servant will
take into account how the breadth of His forgiveness. If He reckons
stinginess servant, then I will consider also how
generosity! "
Hearing the greeting badwi Arabs, then the Messenger of Allah wept
reminded how right the words that badwi Arabs, he tears melted
wet beard. Because of the Angel Gabriel come down again and say:
"O Muhammad! As-Salam God sends his greetings to you, and said:
Stop you from crying! Indeed because of crying, the guards forgot the Throne
tahmidnya reading and prayer beads, so she shakes. Tell your friend, that
God will not be part to himself, will also not take into account kemaksiatannya.
God has rnengampuni all his mistakes and he will be your friend in heaven
later! "How Arabs badwi dislike it, at the news. He Ialu cry
because he was powerless to hold compassion.

Job Code PT. Sometimes Success



You are advised to dress according to the salary you receive.
If we see you dressed in luxurious, Aigner bags, or gucci shoes,
then we assume you live on your salary and therefore will not be
no salary increases until you look destitute again.
Hospital Permit
We do not accept more pain than a doctor's certificate as proof that you
ill. If you are able to visit the doctor, we value you are also able to work.
Operation Action
Surgery is now forbidden!.
As long as you become kayawan here, you should still have all the organs of the body
you, not to get your body organs are taken in the surgery.
We used to recruit you with the organs of the body are complete. Reducing the number of
organ of our body as a breach of employment agreement.
Free Day
All employees are entitled to 104 days off work each year, namely on
Saturday and Sunday!
Leave Rights
All employees are given time off at the same time each year
as follows: 1 january
Leave Right Grieving / Family Dies
This is not a reason to leave!.
You can not do apa2 when friends, work colleagues, neighbors or your family
You have to set other people of non-employees to mourn.
In the special case where the employee still must be involved, the funeral should
scheduled for the afternoon.
We allow you to work on the hour lunch break and you may leave
work an hour early, if your work has been completed.
The above regulations do not apply when the deceased is relevant employees themselves.
However, should the notice 2 weeks in advance because you have to train
your replacement employee.
The use of WC Office
Too much time thrown away in the toilet!.
From now on, we will arrange a schedule to the toilet for employees in alphabetical order
For example: Employees with the initial name of "A" may be going to the toilet at 8.00 to hours
8:20. Employees with the initial name of "B" from 8:20 until 8:40 hours, etc. .., etc. ...
If you did not get to the toilet in the schedule, you must wait until
the next day.
In case of emergency, employees may swap WC schedule with another employee.
Supervisors from both the employee must give written permission in advance.
Lunch Hour
Employees who are skinny get a meal break for an hour, because they
need to eat more in order to look healthy.
Employees who are measuring "normal" to get lunch break for 30 minutes
to get a diet that is no exaggeration to maintain form
Employees who are fat, get a 5-minute rest periods, because they just need
VEGETTA drinking and diet pills.
Thank you for your loyalty to the company.
We are a company who is very concerned with a positive attitude and balance

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 15



Kebajikan sahabat Muhammad atas para sahabat dari semua nabi lainnya

Berikut adalah penting untuk menunjukkan keutamaan sahabat Muhammad atas sahabat para nabi lainnya. Ini termasuk keteguhan dalam agama, kesabaran dan kurangnya arogansi, semoga Allah senang dengan mereka. Meskipun disertai sahabat Nabi dalam perjalanan dan pertempuran, seperti selama pertempuran Tabuk, di panas yang hebat dan kesulitan, mereka tidak meminta suatu keajaiban, meskipun ini adalah mudah bagi Nabi dengan izin Allah. Dan ketika para sahabat merasa lapar, mereka hanya meminta Nabi - untuk memanggil Allah - untuk peningkatan jumlah makanan. Mereka mengumpulkan makanan apa pun yang mereka miliki dan membawanya kepada Nabi, dan ia meminta Allah untuk memberkati itu, kepada masing-masing dari mereka untuk mengambil makanan, dan mereka memenuhi setiap panci yang mereka miliki. Juga, ketika mereka membutuhkan hujan, Nabi diminta Allah untuk turunkan hujan, dan awan hujan datang. Mereka minum, memberi air untuk unta-unta mereka dan diisi air kulit mereka. Ketika mereka melihat ke sekeliling, mereka menemukan bahwa awan hanya hujan di perkemahan mereka. Ini adalah contoh terbaik dari mereka yang bersedia menerima keputusan Allah dan mengikuti Rasulullah.

[وإذ قلنا ادخلوا هذه القرية فكلوا منها حيث شئتم رغدا وادخلوا الباب سجدا وقولوا حطة نغفر لكم خطيكم وسنزيد المحسنين - فبدل الذين ظلموا قولا غير الذي قيل لهم فأنزلنا على الذين ظلموا رجزا من السمآء بما كانوا يفسقون]

(58 Dan (ingatlah) ketika Kami berfirman:

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 14



Bani Israel diselamatkan dari Firaun dan Tentara-Nya Siapa yang tenggelam

Allah berfirman kepada Bani Israel, "Ingatlah nikmat-Ku pada Anda

[وإذ نجينكم من ءال فرعون يسومونكم سوء العذاب]

(Dan (ingatlah), ketika Kami selamatkan kamu dari (Firaun) Fir `awn's orang, yang melanda Anda dengan mengerikan siksaan,) yang berarti,` I - Allah - menyelamatkan kamu dari mereka dan melepaskan kamu dari tangan mereka di perusahaan Musa , setelah mereka mengalami penyiksaan yang mengerikan Anda. " nikmat ini datang setelah dikutuk Firaun punya mimpi di mana ia melihat api muncul dari Bayt Al-Maqdis (Yerusalem), dan kemudian api memasuki rumah-rumah dari Coptics di Mesir, dengan pengecualian Bani Israel. Its dimaksudkan adalah bahwa kerajaan-Nya akan digulingkan oleh seorang laki-laki di antara Bani Israel. Hal itu juga mengatakan bahwa beberapa rombongan Firaun mengatakan bahwa Bani Israel mengharapkan seorang pria di antara mereka timbul yang akan mendirikan negara bagi mereka. Kami akan menyebutkan hadis tentang hal ini ketika kita menjelaskan Surat Ta Ha (20), Insya Allah. Setelah mimpi itu, Firaun memerintahkan bahwa setiap laki-laki yang baru lahir di antara Bani Israel dibunuh dan bahwa anak perempuan dibiarkan sendiri. Dia juga memerintahkan bahwa Bani Israel diberikan tugas kerja keras dan menugaskan pekerjaan yang paling memalukan.

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 13



Dukungan yang datang dengan Kesabaran dan Doa

Allah memerintahkan hamba-Nya untuk menggunakan kesabaran dan doa untuk memperoleh kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Muqatil bin Hayan mengatakan bahwa ayat ini berarti, "Memanfaatkan kesabaran dan shalat wajib dalam mencari akhirat Adapun kesabaran (di sini), mereka mengatakan bahwa hal itu berarti puasa..''Ada teks serupa dilaporkan dari Mujahid Al-. Qurtubi dan lainnya ulama berkomentar, "Inilah sebabnya mengapa Ramadhan disebut bulan kesabaran,''seperti yang disebutkan dalam literatur hadis. Hal itu juga mengatakan bahwa kesabaran `'dalam Ayah berarti, menahan diri dari kejahatan, dan ini adalah mengapa` kesabaran' disebut bersama dengan praktek ibadah, khususnya dan terutama, doa. Juga, Ibnu Abi Hatim meriwayatkan bahwa `Umar bin Al-Khattab berkata," Ada dua jenis kesabaran:. Kesabaran yang baik ketika terjadi bencana, dan sebuah kesabaran yang lebih baik sambil menghindari larangan Allah''Ibnu Abi Hatim mengatakan bahwa Al- Hasan Al-Basri dilaporkan telah mengatakan sama.

Allah kemudian berkata,


(Dan As-Salah (doa).)

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 12



Mendorong Bani Israel memeluk Islam

Allah memerintahkan Bani Israel untuk memeluk Islam dan mengikuti Muhammad. Ia juga mengingatkan mereka dengan contoh ayah mereka Israel, Allah Nabi Ya `QUB, seolah-olah berkata," Wahai anak-anak hamba, saleh benar dari Allah yang menaati Allah Jadilah seperti ayahmu, mengikuti kebenaran.''! Pernyataan ini serupa dengan seseorang berkata, "Hai anak itu orang yang murah hati! Lakukan ini atau''itu atau, "Wahai anak laki-laki pemberani, melibatkan para pejuang yang kuat,''atau" Wahai anak sarjana, mencari pengetahuan,''dan sebagainya. Demikian pula, Allah berfirman,

[ذرية من حملنا مع نوح إنه كان عبدا شكورا]

(Keturunan Hai orang-orang yang Kami bawa (dalam kapal) dengan Nuh (Nuh) Sesungguhnya,! Dia adalah seorang hamba yang bersyukur) (17:3).

Israel Nabi Ya `QUB (Yakub)

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 11



Adam Kebajikan Pengetahuan ini ditunjukkan

Allah berfirman,

[قال ياءادم أنبئهم بأسمآئهم فلمآ أنبأهم بأسمآئهم قال ألم أقل لكم إني أعلم غيب السموات والارض وأعلم ما تبدون وما كنتم تكتمون]

(Dia berkata: "Hai Adam Menginformasikan mereka dari,''nama-nama mereka dan ketika dia telah memberitahu mereka tentang nama-nama mereka, Ia berkata:" Apakah aku tidak bilang kalau aku tahu ghayb (tak terlihat) di langit dan bumi, dan aku tahu apa yang Anda mengungkapkan dan apa yang Anda telah menyembunyikan'')

Zaid bin Aslam berkata, "Anda Jibril, Mika'il Anda, Anda Israfil, sampai ia menyebut nama burung gagak''Mujahid berkata bahwa pernyataan Allah.,

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 10



Awal Penciptaan

Ayat ini (2:29) dijelaskan secara rinci dalam Surat As-Sajdah dimana Allah mengatakan;

[قل أءنكم لتكفرون بالذى خلق الارض فى يومين وتجعلون له أندادا ذلك رب العلمين - وجعل فيها رواسى من فوقها وبرك فيها وقدر فيهآ أقوتها فى أربعة أيام سوآء للسآئلين - ثم استوى إلى السمآء وهى دخان فقال لها وللارض ائتيا طوعا أو كرها قالتآ أتينا طآئعين - فقضاهن سبع سموت فى يومين وأوحى فى كل سمآء أمرها وزينا السمآء الدنيا بمصبيح وحفظا ذلك تقدير العزيز العليم]

(Katakanlah (hai Muhammad):. "Apakah Anda sesungguhnya kafir di dalam Dia Yang menciptakan bumi dalam dua Hari Dan Anda mengatur rival (dalam ibadah) dengan Dia Itu adalah Tuhan dari semua yang ada Dia ditempatkan di dalamnya (yakni bumi) perusahaan pegunungan dari atas, dan Dia memberkati, dan diukur rezeki di dalamnya (untuk penghuninya) dalam empat hari yang sama (yaitu semua keempat `hari yang sama pada lamanya waktu) untuk semua orang yang bertanya

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 9



Para Istri Penghuni surga yang Murni

Allah berfirman,

[ولهم فيهآ أزوج مطهرة]

(Dan mereka harus memiliki dalamnya Azwajun Mutahharatun). Ibnu Abi Thalhah melaporkan bahwa Ibn `Abbas berkata," pemurnian dari kotoran dan kotoran''. Juga, Mujahid berkata, "Dari menstruasi, mengurangi panggilan alam, urin, ludah, air mani dan kehamilan.''Selain itu, Qatadah berkata," dimurnikan dari kenajisan dan dosa''Dalam riwayat lain., ia berkata, "Dari menstruasi dan kehamilan''Selanjutnya.,`, Ata 'Al-Hasan, Ad-Dahhak, Abu Shalih, `Atiyah dan As-Suddi dilaporkan kata yang sama.

Allah pernyataan,

[وهم فيها خلدون]

(Dan mereka akan kekal di dalamnya selamanya) yang berarti kebahagiaan akhir, bagi orang percaya akan menikmati kesenangan yang kekal, aman dari kematian dan gangguan kebahagiaan mereka, untuk itu tidak pernah berakhir atau berhenti. Kami meminta Allah untuk membuat kita di antara orang percaya ini, karena Dia adalah, Maha Pemurah dan Maha Kebanyakan Jenis belas kasihan.

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 8




Allah menantang orang-orang kafir dalam berbagai bagian Qur'an. Sebagai contoh, Allah berfirman dalam Surat Al-Qasas (28:49),

[قل فأتوا بكتب من عند الله هو أهدى منهمآ أتبعه إن كنتم صدقين]

(Katakanlah (kepada mereka, O Muhammad): "Kalau membawa Kitab dari Allah, yang merupakan panduan lebih baik dari kedua (dalam Tawrah (Taurat) dan Al Qur'an), supaya aku mengikutinya, jika kamu memang benar ' ') Juga,. Allah berfirman dalam Surat Al-Isra' (17:88),

[قل لئن اجتمعت الإنس والجن على أن يأتوا بمثل هذا القرءان لا يأتون بمثله ولو كان بعضهم لبعض ظهيرا]

(Katakanlah: "Jika manusia dan jin yang sama untuk membuat yang serupa Al Qur'an ini, mereka tidak bisa menghasilkan seperti daripadanya, bahkan jika mereka membantu satu sama lain''.) Allah berfirman dalam Surat Hud (11:13),

[أم يقولون افتراه قل فأتوا بعشر سور مثله مفتريات وادعوا من استطعتم من دون الله إن كنتم صدقين]

(Atau mereka mengatakan, "Dia (Muhammad) dipalsukan itu (Al Qur'an)''Katakanlah:."

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 7



Jenis Hati

Imam Ahmad mencatat Abu Sa `id berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda

«القلوب أربعة: قلب أجرد فيه مثل السراج يزهر وقلب أغلف مربوط على غلافه وقلب منكوس وقلب مصفح, فأما القلب الأجرد فقلب المؤمن فسراجه فيه نوره, وأما القلب الأغلف فقلب الكافر, وأما القلب المنكوس فقلب المنافق الخالص عرف ثم أنكر وأما القلب المصفح فقلب فيه إيمان ونفاق ومثل الإيمان فيه كمثل البقلة يمدها الماء الطيب ومثل النفاق فيه كمثل القرحة يمدها القيح والدم فأي المادتين غلبت على الأخرى غلبت عليه »

(Hati adalah empat (jenis):. Dipoles sebagai mengkilap seperti lampu radiasi, hati ditutup dengan simpul terikat di segel, sebuah hati yang terbalik dan hati yang dibungkus Sebagai untuk jantung dipoles, itu adalah jantung orang percaya dan lampu adalah cahaya iman Jantung disegel adalah jantung dari kafir.. Hati yang terbalik adalah jantung dari munafik murni,

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 6



Penderitaan orang-orang munafik untuk Plot mereka

Allah menyatakan bahwa Dia akan menghukum orang-orang munafik untuk ejekan mereka, dengan menggunakan istilah yang sama untuk menggambarkan baik perbuatan dan hukuman, meskipun artinya berbeda. Demikian pula, Allah berfirman,

[وجزآء سيئة سيئة مثلها فمن عفا وأصلح فأجره على الله]

(The balasan untuk suatu pelanggaran merupakan pelanggaran sama dengan itu; tetapi barangsiapa memaafkan dan membuat rekonsiliasi, imbalan nya adalah dengan Allah) (42:40), dan,

[فمن اعتدى عليكم فاعتدوا عليه]

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 5



Arti Mischief

Dalam karyanya Tafsir, As-Suddi mengatakan bahwa Ibnu Abbas dan Ibnu Mas `ud berkomentar,

[وإذا قيل لهم لا تفسدوا فى الأرض قالوا إنما نحن مصلحون]

(Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Jangan membuat kerusakan di muka bumi,''mereka berkata:". Kami hanya membawa damai'') "Mereka adalah orang-orang munafik Adapun,.

[لا تفسدوا فى الأرض]

("Jangan membuat kerusakan di bumi''), yaitu percaya dan tindakan ketidaktaatan''Abu Ja.` Jauh mengatakan bahwa Ar-Rabi `bin Anas mengatakan bahwa

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 4



Para orang-orang munafik

Kami menyebutkan bahwa empat ayat di awal Surat Al-Baqarah dijelaskan orang yang beriman. Dua Ayat terakhir (2:6-7) menggambarkan orang-orang kafir. Setelah itu, Allah mulai untuk menggambarkan orang-orang munafik yang menunjukkan kepercayaan dan menyembunyikan kekafiran. Karena masalah orang munafik tidak jelas dan banyak orang tidak menyadari realitas sejati mereka, Allah disebutkan deskripsi mereka secara rinci. Setiap karakteristik bahwa Allah digunakan untuk menggambarkan mereka dengan adalah jenis kemunafikan itu sendiri. Allah menurunkan Surat Bara'ah (Bab 9) dan Surat Al-Munafiqun (bab 63) tentang orang-orang munafik. Dia juga menyebutkan orang-orang munafik dalam Surat An-Nur (24) dan Sura lainnya, sehingga gambaran mereka akan diketahui dan cara mereka dan kesalahan dapat dihindari. Allah berfirman,

[ومن الناس من يقول ءامنا بالله وباليوم الأخر وما هم بمؤمنين - يخدعون الله والذين ءامنوا وما

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 3



Arti Sholat

Dalam bahasa Arab, meaing dasar dari Sholat adalah doa. Dalam terminologi agama, Salah digunakan untuk merujuk pada tindakan membungkuk dan sujud, tindakan yang ditentukan sisa yang terkait dengan itu, specifikasi pada waktu tertentu, dengan kondisi-kondisi yang diketahui, dan karakteristik, dan persyaratan yang terkenal tentang hal itu.

[والذين يؤمنون بمآ أنزل إليك ومآ أنزل من قبلك وبالأخرة هم يوقنون]

(4. Dan siapa yang memiliki iman dalam apa yang diturunkan kepada Anda dan dalam apa yang diwahyukan sebelum Anda, dan di akhirat mereka yakin.)

Ibnu Abbas mengatakan bahwa,

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 2



Arti Al-Muttaqin

Ibnu Abbas berkata tentang,

[هدى للمتقين]

(Panduan untuk Muttaqin) yang berarti, "Mereka adalah orang-orang percaya yang menghindari syirik dengan Allah dan yang bekerja dalam ketaatan-Nya''Ibnu Abbas juga mengatakan bahwa Al-Muttaqin berarti,." Mereka yang takut hukuman Allah, yang akan mengakibatkan jika mereka meninggalkan petunjuk benar bahwa mereka mengakui dan tahu. Mereka juga berharap dalam rahmat Allah dengan percaya kepada apa yang Dia mengungkapkan''Selanjutnya, Qatadah mengatakan bahwa.,


(Al-Muttaqin), adalah orang-orang yang Allah telah dijelaskan dalam pernyataan-Nya;

[الذين يؤمنون بالغيب ويقيمون الصلوة]

Surat Al Baqarah bagian 1



Yang terungkap di Al-Madinah

The Virtues dari Surat Al-Baqarah

Dalam Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Muslim, At-Tirmidzi dan An-Nasa'i, tercatat bahwa Abu Hurairah mengatakan bahwa Nabi berkata,

«لا تجعلوا بيوتكم قبورا فإن البيت الذي تقرأ فيه سورة البقرة لا يدخله الشيطان»

(Jangan mengubah rumah Anda ke dalam kuburan. Sesungguhnya setan tidak memasuki rumah di mana Surat Al-Baqarah diucapkan.) At-Tirmidzi berkata, "Hasan Sahih.

Tafsir Surat Al Fatihah bagian 5 (Penutup)



Mengapa Puji disebutkan Pertama

Karena memuji Allah, yang sedang mencari bantuan, disebutkan, itu adalah tepat bahwa salah satu mengikuti pujian dengan meminta kebutuhannya. Kami menyatakan bahwa Allah berfirman,

«فنصفها لي ونصفها لعبدي, ولعبدي ما سأل»

(Satu setengah untuk Diriku dan separuh untuk hamba-Ku, dan hamba-Ku akan memiliki apa yang ia minta.)

Ini adalah metode terbaik untuk mencari bantuan, dengan pertama-tama memuji seseorang yang bantuan dicari dari dan kemudian meminta bantuan-Nya, dan membantu untuk diri seseorang, dan untuk saudara-saudara muslim dengan mengatakan.

[اهدنا الصراط المستقيم]

Tafsir Surat Al Fatihah bagian 4



Allah adalah Al-Malik (Raja atau Pemilik)

Allah adalah Pemilik Benar (Malik) (dari segala sesuatu dan semua orang). Allah berfirman,

[هو الله الذى لا إله إلا هو الملك القدوس السلم]

(Dia-lah Allah, di samping Laa ilaaha Siapa La Huwa, Raja, Yang Kudus, Yang bebas dari semua cacat) (59:23).
Juga, Dua Sahihs dicatat Abu Hurairah mengatakan bahwa Nabi berkata,

«أخنع اسم عند الله رجل تسمى بملك الأملاك ولا مالك إلا الله»

(Nama yang paling hina kepada Allah adalah orang yang menyebut dirinya raja segala raja, sementara tidak ada pemilik kecuali Allah.)
Juga Dua Sahihs mencatat bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda,

Tafsir Surat Al Fatihah bagian 3



Makna Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim - Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Penyayang

Ar-Rahman dan Ar-Rahim adalah dua nama yang berasal dari Ar-Rahmah (rahmat), tetapi Rahman memiliki makna lebih yang berkaitan dengan rahmat dari Ar-Rahim. Ada pernyataan oleh Ibnu Jarir yang menunjukkan bahwa ada konsensus tentang makna ini. Selanjutnya, Al-Qurtubi berkata, "Bukti bahwa nama-nama ini berasal (dari Ar-Rahmah), adalah apa yang At-Tirmidzi dicatat - dan dinilai Sahih dari` Abdur-Rahman bin `Auf bahwa dia mendengar Rasulullah berkata,

«قال الله تعالى: أنا الرحمن خلقت الرحم وشققت لها اسما من اسمي, فمن وصلها وصلته ومن قطعها قطعته»

Tafsir Surat Al Fatihah bagian 2



Apakah Isti `Adhah (mencari Suaka) diperlukan

Mayoritas negara ulama yang membaca Isti `Adhah (dalam doa dan ketika membaca Al Qur'an) adalah dianjurkan dan tidak diperlukan, dan karena itu, tidak mengucapkan itu tidak merupakan dosa. Namun, Ar-Razi mencatat bahwa `bin Ata 'Abi Rabah mengatakan bahwa Isti` Adhah diperlukan dalam doa dan ketika orang membaca Al Qur'an. Untuk mendukung pernyataan `Ata's, Ar-Razi diandalkan arti nyata dari Ayah,


(Kemudian mencari perlindungan.) Ia mengatakan bahwa Ayah berisi perintah yang memerlukan implementasi. Juga, Nabi selalu mengatakan bahwa Isti `Adhah. Selain itu, bangsal Adhah Isti `off kejahatan setan, yang diperlukan, aturan adalah bahwa sarana yang diperlukan untuk menerapkan persyaratan agama itu sendiri juga diperlukan. Dan ketika seseorang berkata, "Aku berlindung dengan Allah dari setan yang terkutuk''Maka ini akan cukup..

Ho Oh



Seorang ajudan Presiden Bill Clinton dari
Amerika Serikat sedang jalan-jalan di
Jakarta. Karena bingung dan tersesat, dia
kemudian bertanya kepada seorang penjual
rokok. "Apa betul ini Jalan Sudirman?" "Ho
oh," jawab si penjual rokok.
Karena bingung dengan jawaban tersebut,
dia kemudian bertanya lagi kepada seorang
Polisi yang sedang mengatur lalu lintas. "Apa
ini Jalan Sudirman?" Polisi menjawab,

Dua Gus Adalah Musuh Orba



Di kalangan Nahdliyin, Gus adalah julukan
bagi anak kiai yang mereka hormati .
Panggilan hormat itu tetap melekat, bahkan
sampai si anak sudah jadi bapak atau kakek.
Begitulah, menurut Gus Dur, ada Gus Nun,
Gus Mus, dan lain-lain tanpa menyebut diri
Lain sikap hormat kalangan Nahdliyin, lain

Obrolan Hari Jumat



Pernah suatu ketika Gus Dur di ruang
kerjanya di Istana Merdeka menerima
Mohammad Sobary, peneliti dari LIPI,
kolumnis dan pernah menjadi pemimpin
Kantor Berita Antara dan Djohan Effendi
(Kepala Litbang Departemen Agama).
Hampir sepanjang hari Gus Dur berbincang bincang
dengan kedua sahabatnya tersebut.
Sobary sempat menjadi moderator ketika

Santri Dilarang Merokok



"Para santri dilarang keras merokok!"
begitulah aturan yang berlaku di semua
pesantren, termasuk di pesantren Tambak
Beras asuhan Kiai Fattah, tempat Gus Dur
pernah nyatri. Tapi, namanya santri, kalau
tidak bengal dan melanggar aturan rasanya
kurang afdhol.
Suatu malam,

Orang NU Gila



Orang NU Gila
Rumah Gus Dur di kawasan Ciganjur,
Jakarta Selatan, sehari-harinya tidak pernah
sepi dari tamu. Dari pagi hingga malam,
bahkan tak jarang sampai dinihari para tamu
ini datang silih berganti baik yang dari
kalangan NU ataupun bukan. Tak jarang
mereka pun datang dari luar kota.
Menggambarkan fanatisme orang NU, kata
Gus Dur, menurutnya ada 3 tipe orang NU.
“Kalau mereka datang dari pukul tujuh pagi
hingga jam sembilan malam,

Tak Punya Latar Belakang Presiden



Mantan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid
memang unik. Dalam situasi genting dan
sangat penting pun dia masih sering
meluncurkan joke-joke yang mencerdaskan.
Seperti yang dituturkan Ketua Mahkamah
Konstitusi Mahfud MD saat diinterview salah
satu televisi swasta. "Waktu itu saya hampir
menolak penunjukannya sebagai Menteri
Pertahanan. Alasan saya, karena saya tidak
memiliki latar belakang soal TNI/Polri atau
pertahanan," ujar Mahfud.

Airport Abdurrahman Wahid



Pada akhir April 2000, Gus Dur sempat ke
Malang, dan mendarat di Bandara
Abdurrahman Saleh. Ini mengingatkan dia
pada peristiwa belasan tahun silam, ketika
dia mendarat di bandara yang sama dari
Jakarta, saat masih ada penerbangan reguler
dari Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma ke
Waktu itu Gus Dur bersama antara lain

Pengalaman Gus Dur Naik Haji



Gus Dur seperti tidak pernah kehabisan
cerita, khususnya yang bernada sindiran
politik. Menurut dia, ada kejadian menarik di
masa pemerintah Orde Baru.
Suatu kali Presiden Soeharto berangkat ke
Mekkah untuk berhaji. Karena yang pegi
seorang persiden, tentu sejumlah menteri
harus ikut mendampingi. Salah satunya
"peminta pertunjuk" yang paling rajin,
Menteri Penerangan Harmoko.
Setelah melewati beberapa ritual haji,
rombongan Soeharto pun melaksanakan

Kuli dan Kyai



Rombongan jamaah haji NU dari Tegal tiba
di Bandara King Abdul Aziz, Jeddah Arab
Saudi. Langsung saja kuli-kuli dari Yaman
berebutan untuk mengangkut barang-barang
yang mereka bawa. Akibatnya, dua orang di
antara kuli-kuli itu terlibat percekcokan
serius dalam bahasa Arab.
Melihat itu, rombongan jamaah haji tersebut
spontan merubung mereka, sambil berucap:
Amin, Amin, Amin!
Gus Dur yang sedang berada di bandara itu
menghampiri mereka: "Lho kenapa Anda
berkerumun di sini?"
"Mereka terlihat sangat fasih berdoa, apalagi
pakai serban, mereka itu pasti kyai."

Sate Babi



Suatu ketika Gus Dur dan ajudannya terlibat
percakapan serius.
Ajudan: Gus, menurut Anda makanan apa
yang haram?
Gus Dur: Babi
Ajudan: Yang lebih haram lagi
Gus Dur: Mmmm ... babi mengandung babi!
Ajudan: Yang paling haram?
Gus Dur: Mmmm ... nggg ... babi
mengandung babi tanpa tahu bapaknya
dibuat sate babi! (//mbs)

Obrolan Para Presiden



Saking udah bosannya keliling dunia, Gus
Dur coba cari suasana di pesawat RI-01. Kali
ini dia mengundang Presiden AS dan
Perancis terbang bersama Gus Dur buat
keliling dunia. Boleh dong, emangnya AS dan
Perancis aja yg punya pesawat
kepresidenan. Seperti biasa...

Cerita Gus Dur Soal Naik Kereta



Setelah mendapat larangan dari dokternya
untuk tidak melakukan perjalanan jauh
dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang, Gus
Dur kemudian nekat untuk berpergian jauh
menggunakan kereta api.
"Anda mau pergi naik kerata api Gus?
Memangnya Anda pikir bisa sampai tepat
waktu dengan naik kereta api?" ledek si

Fenomena 'Gila' Gus Dur



Konon, guyonan mantan Presiden
Abdurrahman Wahid selalu ditunggu-tunggu
oleh banyak kalangan, termasuk presiden
dari berbagai negara.
Pernah suatu ketika, Gus Dur membuat
tertawa Raja Saudi yang dikenal sangat

Tafsir Surat Al Fatihah bagian 1



Arti Al-Fatihah dan Nama Berbagai Lainnya
Surah ini disebut Al-Fatihah, yaitu, Pembuka Buku, Surah dengan yang doa dimulai. Hal ini juga disebut, Umm Al-Kitab (Induk Kitab), menurut mayoritas para ulama. Dalam sebuah Hadis otentik direkam oleh At-Tirmidzi, yang dinilai itu Sahih, Abu Hurairah mengatakan bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda,

«الحمد لله رب العالمين أم القرآن وأم الكتاب والسبع المثاني والقرآن العظيم»

(Al-hamdu lillahi Rabbil-`Alamin adalah Bunda Qur'an, Bunda Kitab, dan berulang-ulang tujuh Ayat Alquran.)
Hal ini juga disebut Al-Hamd dan As-Salah, karena Nabi berkata bahwa Tuhannya berkata,

«قسمت الصلاة بيني وبين عبدي نصفين, فإذا قال العبد: الحمددلله رب العالمين, قال الله: حمدني عبدي»

Tarekat Qadiriyah-Naqsyabandiyah di Lombok bag.2



Pengaruh Tarekat terhadap Kesalehan Individu

Pengaruh tarekat terhadap para pengikutnya sangat nyata
terlihat dalam pengamalan ritual-keagamaan. Mereka menjadi terikat
oleh suatu sistem dan teknik tertentu dalam berzikir khususnya
sebagaimana diajarkan oleh mursyid. Secara umum mereka
menikmati kebiasaan baru ini karena memang mereka sudah
memasrahkan jiwanya kepada mursyid. Bagi yang masuk kategori
ini, menekuni amalan tarekat akan menjadikan kehidupan terasa lebih menenteramkan.
Antara lain, seperti pengakuan Zainun, yang mengaku dibai’at
secara langsung oleh TGH. Abhar pada tahun 1988 secara
jama’i/bersama-sama dengan orang lain. Dikatakannya;

Dengan masuk tarekat, menambah ketenangan jiwa persis seperti
firman Allah “alâ bi dzikrillâhi tathmainnul qulûb”. Kalau sudah lama
mengamalkan ajaran tarekat seperti saya alami, bahkan bisa
ketagihan. Tak ada malas-malas. Terhadap dunia, karena saya
semakin bisa menyikapi dengan zuhud dan bisa membatasi diri.25
Pengikut lain, H. As’ad Ma’rif, menuturkan pengalamannya;
Saya dulu diba’ait oleh Datuk sewaktu pondok masih di Timur
(Pagutan dekat pasar, pen). Sampai kini, alhamdulillah masih aktif
terus. Saya selalu mengikuti pengajian hari ahad, juga kadangkala hari
selasa dari pada nganggur di rumah (Biasanya selasa untuk ibu-ibu,
pen). Rasa-rasanya enak, bersahaja, tenang begitu …. Apalagi kalau
ingat menghadapi mati nanti, syukur rasanya saya sudah masuk
tarekat. Makanya Mas ikut saja, biar merasakan nikmatnya. Kalau
orang tidak ahli zikir bisa macam-macam yang terjadi waktu sakaratul
maut. Kan itu tergantung bagaimana kebiasaan orang, yang biasanya
mencuri atau sabung ayam, tentu beda dengan yang ahli ibadah. Lalu
seminggu sekali kami dari Jempong Barat mengadakan kegiatan rutin
di masjid Nurul Huda, yaitu istighatsah, yang dipimpin oleh H.
Mukhtar beliau ini murid Datuk Bahar juga yang menjadi ketua
jama’ah di daerah kami. Jadi, motivasi utama umumnya para pengikut adalah
meningkatkan keimanan, tidak lebih dan tidak kurang.